
News 2015 — Bees

What Do You Give A Beekeeper?

Posted by Eva Andrews on

BEES! Beekeepers Love Bees!! Thousands of Bees!!!Bill's Bees packaged bees and nucs are Italian honey bees with known gentle genetics. These bees are ideal for Backyard Beekeeping in Los Angeles as well as for Commercial Beekeepers who take their bees to pollination.Pre-Order by December 31, 2015 and Save. The price of bees (TBD) will increase on January 1, 2016. Bees in Packages - 3 lb. $100 ~ Italian Bees with VSH-Italian 'unmarked' Queen (and attendants). Queen Marking cost $5. Packages available in April 2016. View Details  Bees in Nucs - 5 Frames (Deep) or 6 Frames (Medium) $175 ~ Italian Bees with VSH-Italian 'unmarked' Queen....

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Who Is Clyde Steese?

Posted by Eva Andrews on

Where’s Clyde? It’s hot, dry, the sun’s beating down out here in the apiary; I’ve got hours to go before I call it a day. Every few minutes I look up expecting to see Clyde. Clyde Steese is my business partner and co-owner of Bill’s Bees. But, Clyde's not here! Clyde’s at the fair! At the fair! And I’m here, in the hot, dry sun with the bees!!! Come September, Clyde goes to the fair. Clyde’s been volunteering at the LA County Fair Bee Booth for 19 years, but since he took over the chairmanship of the Bee Booth, seven years...

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Beekeeping Class 101 - Class #5: Hive Management and Care of My Honey Bees

Posted by Eva Andrews on

Get ready for Class #5! Join us June 14th (9am-noon) at Bill’s Bees Bee Yard for Class #5 of the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association Beekeeping Class 101. (Bee Suits Required) June bee class is traditionally our class for hunting mites, but every class from now on out will have a segment on testing for mites, monitoring mite levels, and safe mite treatments for honey bees.We will continue to follow the progress of packages installed in April.Also, a beekeeper from Long Beach is supposed to be bringing a hive with a problem. We plan to diagnose the problem and fix it.We may...

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Good Mythical Morning at Bill's Bees Farm

Posted by Eva Andrews on

10,000 Bees Beard With Rhett & Link! "A guy named Bill put 10,000 bees on my face." Rhett & Link, hosts of Good Mythical Morning, the daily morning comedy talk show, head off to Bill's Bees Bee Yard to see if they'd be good candidates as beekeepers. "Two crazy guys came to visit one day and wanted me to put bees on their face,” says Bill Lewis of Bill’s Bees. “Okay!!!” Bill's Bees does most anything to help the bees! Also on board was Rob McFarland of HoneyLove For colonies, honey and other bee products check out our website...

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Italian Queen Bees For Sale

Posted by William Lewis on

Our Italian Queen Bees are mated with known gentle genetics and are ready to lay eggs. They are ideal for the hobby beekeeper or the commercial beekeeper needing to re-queen.  Italian honey bees have been a favorite among beekeepers since they were first introduced to the New World in the 1850’s. They came to Los Angeles County in the mid-1850's and became the 'bee of choice' for local beekeepers. They are favored around the world. Italian honey bees are known to be gentle of temperament and easy to work with. They readily build comb and are very prolific. They are diligent housekeepers,...

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