Italian Queen Bees For Sale
Our Italian Queen Bees are mated with known gentle genetics and are ready to lay eggs. They are ideal for the hobby beekeeper or the commercial beekeeper needing to re-queen.
Italian honey bees have been a favorite among beekeepers since they were first introduced to the New World in the 1850’s. They came to Los Angeles County in the mid-1850's and became the 'bee of choice' for local beekeepers. They are favored around the world.
Italian honey bees are known to be gentle of temperament and easy to work with. They readily build comb and are very prolific. They are diligent housekeepers, continually working to keep their hives clean and hygienic. Italian honey bees have less tendency to swarm. They are wonderful foragers, excellent honey producers, and are highly valued for their pollination services in many of the fruits, nuts, and vegetables that grace our table.
Our Italian Queens come in a screened cage with attendants. Unmarked queens are $35. Queens can be marked for an additional $5. Just make sure you also order the 'Marked' Queen.
You can place your order for Italian Queen Bees and pick up at Bill's Bees Bee Yard.
Thank you!
Bill & Clyde
Bill's Bees