Ye Olde Holiday Bazaar
If you'd love an olde time holiday bazaar featuring over 40 arts and crafts vendors, one of a kind items, honest and true local honey, and musical entertainment, come on by!
Meet new friends, greet old ones!!!
Meet new friends, greet old ones!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2015
11053 North Trail
Kagel Canyon, CA 91342
Kagel Canyon, CA 91342
(Right above Lakeview Terrace/Sylmar)
9AM - 3PM
Bill's Bees is located right over the hill in Little Tujunga Canyon.
We're thrilled to be a part of Ye Olde Holiday Bazaar.
We're thrilled to be a part of Ye Olde Holiday Bazaar.
Our honey table will be overflowing with fabulous gifts from our Honey Bee Hives:
100% Raw Local Honey - Just the Way the Bees Made It!
Homemade Beeswax Soaps, Lotions and Lip Balms crafted by Bill's wife, Liane
100% Raw Local Honey - Just the Way the Bees Made It!
Homemade Beeswax Soaps, Lotions and Lip Balms crafted by Bill's wife, Liane
Beeswax Candles - beautiful, slow burning, crafted on site at Bill's Bees Bee Farm
Buzz By, Say Hi! Enjoy a Taste of Honey!