What's Up at Bill's Bees?

What are they doing with that mannequin? 

Come on out to the Bee Booth at the Los Angeles County Fair and see what Bill and Clyde have been up to.

Pomona Fairgrounds
1101 West McKinley Ave., 
Pomona, CA 91768
(Bee Booth is across from the 'Big Red Barn')

September 4-27, 2015

(Wed-Sun/except for Labor Day Weekend when we're open on Monday)

As if they didn't have enough to do with bees, beekeeping, honey, and sharing their experience with others about bees and beekeeping and honey, each year you'll find these two illustrious beekeepers up on the roof hanging out with Beekeeper Bob. Or perhaps we should say trying to get Beekeeper Bob up on the roof! 


Bill and Clyde join other members of the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association and the Beekeepers of Southern California the weekend before Labor Day getting the Bee Booth ready for the Los Angeles County Fair. They bring in a large observation hive where thousands of school children and fair goers will have a chance to see honey bees up close, to find the honey bee queen, learn about honey bees, their importance in our lives, and what they can do to help honey bees. Clyde will take a break from his beekeeping duties the entire month of September to meet with the general public and share his experience and knowledge about honey bees.  



After his hard work helping to get the Bee Booth in order, Bill will return to Bill's Bees Bee Farm to work with the bees, without Clyde, oh my!

Here's Bill at last year's fair trying to catch a wayward bee with his itty bitty butterfly net! 

We do take time out for fun!  Join us!

Beekeeper Bob is ready to Welcome You!  



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