Rules Have Changed for California Farmers Markets
For years we have sold our wonderful beeswax soaps, lip balm and lotion bars and beautiful solid beeswax candles at farmers markets. Something has changed and we are now not allowed to display these items at the farmers markets (I know, it is crazy, but Rules are Rules). You can still pick these items up at our farmers markets, but you must order in advance and just pick up at the markets. We are also happy to ship them to you directly. Shipping cost around Los Angeles is usually $8.36 for as much as we can fit into a Post Office Regional Rate A Box. All our soaps, lip balms and lotion bars are featured on our website. We are working on getting our beautiful candles on our site; they should be up shortly. Of course, all of our delicious honey varietals are on display and available for purchase at the farmers markets as well as online pre-sale/pickup at farmers markets.
Thank you,
Bill & Clyde
Bill's Bees