News 2018 — Bees for Sale
Bees For Sale
Posted by Eva Andrews on
Bill's Bees has 2018 Bees for Sale! Order NOW for Spring delivery. We sell only Italian Honey Bees with known gentle genetics that are easy to work with and build up abundantly for pollination and honey production. Whether you are a new beekeeper or already an experienced beekeeper, these bees are perfect for you. Our VSH-Italian Queen Bees are from our favorite breeders in Northern California where there are no Africanized Honey Bees. These bees are ideal for Backyard Beekeeping in Los Angeles. Medium Box Complete Hive Special - ($250): A complete hive is an established nucleus colony with a VSH Italian queen. It includes a used commercial grade hive top, bottom board,...
Beekeeping - What You Need to Start Keeping Bees!
Posted by Eva Andrews on
In March and April you’ll be picking up your bees (hope you’ve got your bee order in, they’re going fast!). Below are some things to consider and plan for before you pick up your bees. Location, Location, Location: A location in the open, preferably with a southern or easterly exposure, for maximum sunshine throughout the day. Away from animals and children, not along a foot path, or where there is direct traffic. Protected by a barrier (approx. 2 feet from - and facing a hill or wall) from wind, streets, etc. This will also force the bees to fly up and...