
News 2016 — Honey bees

Honey's Not GMO

Posted by Eva Andrews on

Pure natural honey is, by definition, a non-GMO food.  It’s that simple. By: Michelle Poulk This message is supported by the American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers Association, National Honey Packer & Dealers Association, Sioux Honey Association and the Western States Packers & Dealers Association.  As a collective group, these organizations represent approximately 95% of the entire United States Honey Industry. Today’s consumers rely on many sources for information on their diet and food choices. Perhaps the most frequently consulted, but least reliable, source is the internet – where everyone can be an ‘expert’ on their chosen subject.  Gluten-free, raw, local,...

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Bill's Bees - Protecting Our Honey Bees From Fire

Posted by Eva Andrews on

California's severe drought has caused devastating fire conditions throughout the state; destroying homes, wildlife, and honey bees. On Friday evening (July 22nd) we were able to rescue our bees just in time. We moved two of our apiaries (140 hives) from above Dillon Divide. This is what it looked like when we moved out of the hills before the fire went through the canyon. It was hot as a furnace. By the time we had the bees loaded that fire was halfway down the hill. The wind was blowing and it was snowing white ash when we got the truck...

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Bees in Boxes: How Did They Get In There?

Posted by Eva Andrews on

"In a little over a month from now you'll be picking up your bees. Here's some helpful tips from the American Honey Queen - Buzzing Across America blog on what to do when you get YOUR BEES home! ~ Bill Lewis, Bill's Bees You may have seen beehives near orchards or along fields in your area, but how did the honeybees get in there? Let’s take a look at how bees arrive in the spring and how they are transferred into the hive. After a beekeeper has pre-ordered their honeybees for the year, they will get a phone call in spring saying...

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How the Honey Bee Crisis is Affecting California's Almond Growers

Posted by Eva Andrews on

"I read the following article and attended this meeting. I thought it was a good informative meeting. It was great to hear from some of the top researchers investigating bee problems. I really appreciate their taking time out of their busy schedules to share with us. Yes, in 2014 President Obama put out a Presidential Memorandum instructing  federal agencies to create a national strategy to promote the heath of honey bees and other pollinators. A lot of work is being done. However, to my knowledge, there was never any budget set aside to fund this effort. Dr. Jeff Pettis said it best....

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